China is largest importer of Belgian conference pears in Asia
China is largest importer of Belgian conference pears in Asia. In 2023, TRUVAL pears brand share reached more than 34% against total imported pear, ranking first (source: customs data). China has become the largest importer of Belgian conference pears in Asia, though China is the top producer of pears, by far reaching 19.3 million tons.
TRUVAL Belgian Conference Pears in the Chinese market
TRUVAL Belgian conference pears in the Chinese market [比利时啤梨登陆中国市场]. As imported pears, Belgian Conference Pears were introduced to China already 12 years. Today, Belgian Conference Pears in China are big hit fruits among Chinese consumers.
According to experts, Conference Pears best known for its excellent flavor and texture, especially, the taste of Conference pears is dependent on the ripeness when it is eaten. Unusually for a pear it is often eaten just before it is fully ripe. At this stage it still has crunch to it and the taste is slightly acidic. When fully ripe, the flesh is pleasantly soft and juicy with lots of sweetness.
At present, Belgium is the largest producing country of Conference pears in Europe, followed by the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, and other origins. Conference pears date back to 1884 when the variety was found as a seedling of the variety Leon Leclerc de Laval. because of its adaptability to a variety of conditions, with stronger disease resistance and self-fertility, lead to its harvesting reliability, and plus its pear fruits with excellent taste and texture.
With those advantages, it is grown commercially in many areas of the Europe, also the leading commercial pear variety in Europe, with Belgium, the Netherlands being the bigger producers in recent years, ultimately trading around the global.
There is strong sales competition “Conference pears” in Europe from neighboring countries (The Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, and Italy). The 'Conference' pear reached Chinese market, landed in Chinese consumers’ shopping list is completely not surprising, as China has more than a billion’s consumers, need a lot of pears, etc., and other fruits too.
Why Belgian Conference Pears gain more Chinese consumers?
Belgian Conference Pears gain more Chinese consumers for its great taste, texture, and longer preserving time.
The taste of Conference pears is very dependent on the ripeness when it is eaten. Unusually for a pear it is often eaten just before it is fully ripe. At this stage it still has crunch to it and the taste is slightly acidic. When fully ripe, the flesh is pleasantly soft and juicy with lots of sweetness, according to experienced pears growers and specialized fresh produces cultivators.
That’s made Belgian Conference Pears more attractive to Chinese consumers, among three main traits: soft, juicy and sweetness, soft prevail, it distinguishes with China domestic pears sorts, that’s the uniqueness and quality of Belgium Conference Pears, it has special attribute among Chinese consumers, the smaller younger ones, and the aged elders.
The most desired benefits of Conference pears are that they preserve for a longer time, that’s the uniqueness with quality Conference Pears, especially, when stored at a cool temperature, and dioxide saturated atmosphere, the freshness will keep until January of coming year.
It means, the Conference Pear can be purchased, eaten until beginning of next year if kept cool in a refrigerator or cellar ventilated, according to skilled Conference Pears experts and planters. That’s a great advantage for fresh products growers, time is money, the longer the fresh produce can be kept, the more benefits will be made.
Effective sales pitch in China Expo-CIIE (2023-2024) plays an important role
Belgian Conference Pears gain more Chinese consumers, effective sales pitch in the China Expo - CIIE (2023-2024) plays an important role.
Dole in China - one of the leading brands in the fruit industry, was the first importer to introduce the TRUVAL Belgian Conference Pears to the Chinese market. China's per capita consumption of fresh pears exceeds 12kg, far above the world's average. (2020 FAO data). Although China is top producer of pears varieties. However, quality wins, imported pears from sunning side have special enriched flavors.
In 2023, TRUVAL Belgian Conference Pears even took a show in China International Import Expo (CIIE), demonstrate its pear brand power, promote it sales, in addition to take the unique occasion of 2024 Chinese new years celebration, TRUVAL Belgian prepared 2024 Chinese New Year celebration Dragon Gift Box, aiming to expand the consumption of Belgian pears to more occasions in China.
2024 is the Year of the Wood Dragon in Chinese culture, Chinese New Year officially begins on February 10th, 2024, and ends on February 20th. Probably it will include the Dragon Gift Box with Belgian Conference Pears flavors.
Pears in Chinese cultural – pears nutritional healing power
Chinese pears cultural play an important role for more imported pears in China. pears nutritional power for recovering quicker from a cold or making weak body stronger after common sickness. Chinese consumers believed that pears corresponding to the body and have natural healing power in the process of recovering after catching a cold, especially in the winter season, that’s also one of the main reasons that pears selling goes well in the winter season in the Chinese market.
Pears are appreciated by the Chinese people all year long; pears are the main fruits in the Chinese market as long as fruits exist. In Chinese cultural, pears are considered have natural healing power, especially in the winter season, local people used pears as sort alternative methods, and fruits nutritional supplements to treat seasonal sicknesses, pears have recovering power for winter coldness and nourishing the body.
It’s not surprising the Chinese people love quality pears, especially Belgium Conference Pears are popular among elderly and younger ones due to softness, flavor's, and easier to digested, etc. Moreover, the softness of these sort pears is attractive for senior Chinese consumers with no stronger teeth, most conference pears are easier biting and chewing.
Importing pears to China – demand quality fresh produces increasing
Importing pears to China – demand quality fresh produces in Chinese market. At this moment, it is right season for importing pear products to China, the best timing to supply fruits fresh produces to the Chinese market is before Chinese new years. As 2023 is come to end, Chinese New Year 2024 is around the corner, soon pears and other fresh produces are in higher demand in China. If you are fruits producers, fruit farmers, and fruits traders, you won’t forget this annually Chinese New Year celebration, as always, it presents a unique China market chance for importing your fresh produces, or agricultural products to China.
Globally - The top 9 countries producing the most of fresh pear fruits in the world ranked by metric tons: #1 China, #2 Argentina, #3 United States, #4 Italy, #5 Turkey, #6 South Africa, #7 Netherlands, #8 Belgium, and #9 Spain.
In European - Italy and Spain at large are the most important pear producing countries, and their pears account for more than 65% of the total European pear production. However, regarding best known Conference Pears, at present, Belgium is the largest producing country of Conference pears in Europe, followed by the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, and other origins.
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