

Solid partners/platforms with expertise institutions in China, accurate services to connect you with quality Importers, Imports Certification, Tariffs, Import License, etc...

Compulsory Certification

China Certification

China Compulsory Certification(ccc-certificate) applies to imported goods from global suppliers,..
China imports tariffs

Import Tariffs

China imports tariffs: general rates, most-favored -nation(MFN) rates, agreement rates, preferential rates …

Import License

Import License

Suppliers to apply for your import license to China MOFCOM, related to exports, imports, and etc...

Import Expo

China Import Expo 

China International Import Expo (CIIE) the world's first import-themed trade fair at national-level.

China Customs

China Customs

China Customs rules: what must declare, what pay duty on, what items prohibited, admission cost

import process

Import Process

Import Documentation Guidelines. Including import documentations, importing to China requirements...

Frequently Asked Questions

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China.org - FAQ: general

How many Chinese importers listed in the catalogue?

How many Chinese importers listed in the catalogue?

China.org provides Chinese importers catalogue lists 89,000,00 importers situated in China. The top 199 products imported to China traced by the Chinese Customs. The Chinese importers databases will help you... to term your product and find an exact right list of Chinese companies importing your product to China.

The List of Chinese importers act on shortage of China domestic supply and growing global producers, exporters try to enter Chinese market. our List of Chinese Importers take your products to China – one of largest consumer market in the world.

If you're a great suppliers and you're not finding reliable Chinese importers, then you’re looking in the wrong places. "But … where should I be looking?" you ask. Great question! Please go to China.org on:

The main goal of this site is to deliver #1 Resources to support global suppliers exporting their products or services to the Chinese market.

China.org© is a leading Chamber of Commerce, largest network connects China market and investments via Chinese importers, investors, China invests in Europe by ….strongly support smaller or middle-sized local suppliers exporting their products or services to the Chinese market.

China.org that works with many of the top Chinese importers has the answer: get support directly !


All the information is here! our quality resources that allows suppliers 2 to 3 times improve their import to China than others for the same products!

What values China.org© Chinese Importers databases deliver?

As our users told: "I don't know a single supplier whose import to China would not be improved by using this database." ― Richard-Edward de Wit.

It is available via easily downloadable PDF files. That way, you’ll always have them on your own computer for quick reference. And, in addition, you are going to receive three full pages of detailed explanations via downloadable guides.

China.org© Chinese importers databases remains the ultimate China imports directory for supplier who need or work with Chinese importers from China. All is thoroughly revised update edition includes all new essential information for instant connecting Chinese importers regarding import to China in the digital age.

Now more indispensable than ever, China.org© the Chinese importers database will help you to term your product, and find an exact right list of Chinese companies importing your product to China. These "Chinese importers databases" can generates often 2 to 3 times more imports to China than others for the very same assignment.

All Chinese importers databases is PDF version, handy, direct, one click to connect you with reliable Chinese importers in China. All the List of Chinese importers is newly updated standard document PDF version in English, With complete accurate direct contact details.

Ready-to-use with actual reliable Importers/ Partners in China. In addition, China.org© facilitates every related China import documents you need to start exporting your products to China market!

By having Chinese importers database on your own computer screen, you'll be able to follow along with detailed explanations behind specific importers that are crucial to import your products to China success. Need support? contact our Team

How to find right Chinese importers for your particular products? read more...

China.org© offers trade data solutions, promotes China Imports via Chinese Importers, every effort is made to ensure that all data is correct at the time of releasing. There are 23 surprising places to find importers from China.

Read the List of Chinese Importers and you’ll know precisely where to find numerous of reliable Chinese importers/companies who need imports your products. And, most importantly, they want to work with great suppliers and quality products producers... like you.

The primary objective of this priceless database is to support you to enter China market, to promote your products, and your services through contacting reliable Chinese importers and, as a result, dramatically increase your profit.

Given that we've seen so many business people and entrepreneurs -- who started with import to China achieve spectacular success by employing our Chinese importers databases, there is absolutely no reason why they should not work for you as well.


And remember, you can download the Chinese importers databases with detailed explanation as PDF files onto your own computer or digital device for instant applying or studying.

So if you're interested in doubling or tripling your import to China capacity — during both good and bad economic times — don't miss out on this great opportunity to own copies of China.org© Chinese importers databases, let us know today, contact our team.

How much goods does China Import in recent years (2023, 2022 & 2021)? read more...

In 2023, the Chinese Customs (GACC) trade data through the first six months of 2023 show an 8.3 percent increase in the total import value of agricultural commodities compared to the same period last year.

In 2020, the People’s Republic of China imported US$2.056 trillion worth of goods from around the globe. In 2021, China imported approximately 2.069 trillion U.S. dollars worth of goods. This indicated an increase in import value by about 30 percent compared to the previous year. In 2022, the accumulated value of imports to China amounted to around 228.07 billion U.S. dollars. This indicated an increase in import value compared to the same period of the previous year.

That dollar amount reflects a 29.4% increase since 2016 but a -0.6% downtick from 2019 to 2020. China surpassed the United States to become the world’s leading trading nation. China’s total imports and exports have grown nearly eightfold since 2001 and reached 32.2 trillion yuan in 2020. The goods import trade value that year exceeded two trillion US dollars, making China the second largest importing nation globally, according to research data indicate. China is second largest economy in the world!

What kind of products do Chinese consumers like /demand? read more...

Chinese consumers are highly brand conscious and prefer premium consumer products. Good brand products imported to China are almost likely attractive to the shoppers, and imported Goods are regarded as being of high quality in the eyes of Chinese consumers.

Even better, China.org© currently has a super-update “Top products of China imports in 2023-2025”, “Top List of Chinese Importers in 2023-2025”, and there are some really great bonuses you'll only find with the China.org© List of Chinese Importers. All the information is here:


Even if you're feeling pretty good about products and trades you have, we still recommend you to consider China market opportunities You are not going to want to miss this China chances!

In recent years, health supplements and OTC health treatments have attached most Chinese aging consumers. Besides, there is a increasing phenomenon among ordinary consumers in China, they are interested in purchasing health supplements products, these groups consumers have set a priority on more healthy products and maintain healthy body.

Nowadays, most Chinese consumers with health-conscious alert, for keeping fit and healthy, quality food and beverages demand is increasing year by year, even for women’s make-up products, natural ingredients is desirable.

Consumer Goods China imports demanded categories:

Alcohol free| Beverage | Drinks | Agriculture Products | Foodstuff | Food Nutrition | Food Supplements | Fruit & Vegetables |Fish & Seafood |Confectionery & Snacks | Meat Products |Olive Oil & Vinegar |Gourmet Food | Dairy Products |Rice & Grains |Spices, Herbs & Seasonings |Juice, Soft Drinks & Water |Honey, Sugar & Spreads | Organic and Health Food |Tea & Coffee |Pasta & Noodles |etc,.

if you are an active supplier you would like your products to enter the Chinese market, we will back you the support you needed. please let us hear from you: https://www.dccchina.org/contact/

What advantages when you add quality Chinese importers to your export business? read more...

If you're a beginning exporter... or even more experienced... you may not have as many regular leading Chinese importers or clients from China as you'd like.

Now, this Resources can help you correct this situation - add more top importers from China to your client roster - and enjoy a steady, repeat assignments from some of the strongest, largest Chinese importers or China import corporations all year long.

Just look at the advantages you get as a exporter to China market when you add some quality leading Chinese importers to your client roster:

More repeat business … a small local business may need looking for a new importer from China once a year - but any one leading Chinese importer has more than enough work to keep you busy all year long, your import to China is in good hands.

More professionalism … it can be frustrating to exporters for small businesses that don't know the first thing about China imports procedure. But when you connect to the leading Chinese importers, your clients are experienced China imports professionals who handle trade quicker, more effective.

Greater financial stability … biggest, strongest Chinese importers or China import corporations are stable companies, if you come to contact or keep business relationship with, you never have to worry about your product entering the Chinese market, stable your export to China certainly brings your financial strength.

Are smaller-sized supplier to China market too busy earning a living to make any profit? read more...

The question has often been asked if smaller-sized supplier to China market too busy earning a living to make any profit. In truth, you have to learn to enter the China market and, through keep practice, become skilled importer to the profitable Chinese market.

And the first step toward that end is to study quality Chinese importers databases — not the kind of silly stuff you see on television or in magazines (automobiles, beer, coffee, grains, soybeans … ), but direct-Chinese importers databases that have the potential to put big profit in your bank account very quickly.

In fact, the only legitimate criterion for giving a database a high grade is if it motivates suppliers to take their products out of their manufacture base and actually import to China. In fact, and we speak from firsthand experience from supporting hundreds and thousands of successful smaller-sized suppliers enter China market with their special products.

One great product … one great brand … one great ingredient … one great idea in any given opportunities can be worth a fortune to a smaller-sized creative supplier with their products in the Chinese market.

For some beginners, to learn how to dramatically increase your profit by promoting your company, your products, and your services through connecting dynamic Chinese importers...

Easy download digital version documentation is necessary step to implement, and ….

what is the purpose of China.org© Chinese importers databases? read more...

The primary objective of this priceless program is to support you, promote your products, and your services to the Chinese market through connecting with reliable Chinese importers in China imports

As a result, dramatically increase your products import to China and, to make more intelligent profit.

If you’re now in supply business, or have a great product for starting a new business or venture to the Chinese market, we believe we can support you importing to China that will explode your profit, expand your business.

That’s why we offer Chinese importers databases, and hope you’ll take this opportunity not only to own downloadable copies of our most successful lists of Chinese importers, but use them to make more profitable decisions, to generate more profits.

In fact, we know all too well how frustrating it can be to have a great product or service but not be able to communicate its benefits to potential buyers. some companies went through many years of painful trial and error learning how to contact quality Chinese importers from China.

However, our program gives you the opportunity to start on our shoulders — an opportunity that will save you years of frustration and disappointment.

So, the purpose is clear, to dramatically increase your income by promoting yourself, your products, and your services through our dynamic databases.

Therefore if you're interested in doubling or tripling your products import to China market, increasing profit-earning capacity — in good and bad economic times — take action today and, to own copies of China.org© Chinese importers databases.

China.org© - Organization's activities...

China.org© is a leading Chamber of Commerce, largest network connects China market and investments via Chinese importers, investors, China invests in Europe by ….strongly support global suppliers exporting their products or services to the Chinese market.

In addition, for those who like to know more over Chinese investors, you will fairly benefit from our quite exclusive detailed statistics Chinese companies in Europe by country.

With China.org© China market report diagnostic themes, that allow users to make more intelligent decisions, to generate profitable results, to discover China market opportunities in the edge.

For Organization's members activities... businesses questions. Particularly for more documentations on Chinese investments in Europe, China M&A deals, or Chinese investors in 23 sectors, please reach our support team here by contact: https://www.dccchina.org/contact/

Please see our main programs:

1). China.org© supports global suppliers, local producers direct exporting their products to China with certified Chinese importers, update News

2). With China.org© #1 resources resulting exporting Consumer Goods to China in higher ratio, faster, and securer from where you are

3). Proved Importers 89,000,00 in all sectors, Investors in 23 investment sectors, Investments by country, China overseas M&A Deals, etc.

4). We support 19.530+ thousands suppliers around the global direct exporting Goods or Services to China by using our own #1 Resources

5). Complementary Reports alone will assist you miles and miles ahead of others when your brain is frozen, refill now fresh statistics, instructions

Partnership Programs

