
Chinese investors in 23 investment sectors© provides Chinese investors in 23 investment sectors. All Chinese investors categorized by investment sectors. With our verified Chinese Investors Directories upgrading your projects

Chinese investors in 23 investment sectors provides Chinese investors in top investment sectors., particularly Chinese investors in 23 investment sectors.

Visit our "Getting started guide" 

  • All our unique "directories of Chinese investors are from mainland China", and completely revised and updated for a whole new generation of achievers.
  • All directories Chinese investors in 23 sectors with reliable contact info., target small, medium-sized investment projects.
  • If you are looking for genuine best Chinese investors for your projects, our Chinese investors database are well compiled completely updated.

How to find Chinese investors' contacts?

  • To find Chinese investors' contacts is not difficult, as indicated through "Chinese social media to find Chinese investors";  or "Join Chinese specialized WeChat groups to connect with investors in China", but it took a lot of time and energy, often the results is not designable, and reliability and trustworthy often on the stake.  
  • There is an other way, more reliable methods to find quality Chinese investors' contacts that resulting reaching your goal, meeting your need, that is through professionals, or China investment specialists that have the insight and capacity to compel  tailor-made Chinese investors' contacts, 
  •© publication: "Chinese investors directories" - "Chinese investors in 23 investment fields" detailed different investment sectors: such as: Agriculture, Digital-Technologies, and Energy, etc. There are specific databases Chinese investors for different fields of investment projects, importantly, including Chinese investors' contacts ( email, phone number, website, investment business info, etc., . all data is available under request.

What is the appropriate way to contact Chinese investors?

For those who finding Chinese investors' contacts is not the end goal, the real challenges is what is the appropriate way to contact Chinese investors? there are two common methods to connect you with Chinese investors:  

To contact Chinese investors with quality resource in hand:

  • study outsourced "Chinese investors directory "from high-quality data providers such as
  • select specific Chinese investors from the directory in hand that speak to you and your business project.
  • contact or mails to introduce yourself and your business to your chosen potential investors, including venture capitalist.

   - introduce related background and activities... 

   - describe or demonstrate your business potential…

   - be clear what you are looking for from investors...

   - show what you will do with it if you got the deal...

   - lash out 100% your pitch to deal percentage with 


To connect yourself with Chinese investors with no resource:

   - actively attend professional investors networking events

   - join same minded business or investment club...

   - take proactive approach through personal business relationships...

   - benefit from interacting with same interests circles...

   - may leave out the fate of your pitch to the investors' hand

     whom you encounter with by chance...

How are Chinese investors databases classified ?


  • Chinese Investors classified by investment sectors: mainly Agriculture, Digital-Technologies, and Energy, etc. There are specific Databases Chinese investors for different fields of investment projects, all data is available. 
  • Chinese Investors also categorized in 21 various fields, All 21 broad and extensive databases of Chinese Investors is newly updated, including State-owned or private investors from mainland China, all to assist you to develop your projects.
  • These Chinese Investors databases are a trustable source, effectively helps you getting desired results, through connecting with exact Chinese investors, find investment partners, including to connect with start-ups Chinese investors, investment firms and partners in China.

How do these Venture Capitalists attract the best deals?

  • Venture Capitalists attract the best deals by practicing as "Prolific investors Screening Criteria - Venture capitalists play a critical part in the start-up ecosystem, bringing money, advice and connections to help start-ups grow into global-scale business.”  (such as: Financial Criteria. …Team Criteria. …Market Criteria. …Make sure you have a large market opportunity. …Demonstrate that you have a strong team. …Create a differentiated product or service. …Prove that you have a viable business model) .
  • Chinese Venture Capitalists attract the best deals as indicated “A successful start-up ecosystem requires rolemodels, both individuals, such as those from below Lists, and companies, such as those most valuable companies series.
  • Chinese Venture Capitalists attract the best deals as reported "Attracting the best investors, who bring with them their experience as well as their cash, plays a critical role. If a city or country can attract the world’s most successful entrepreneurs, companies and investors to set up shop there, that will have a roll-on effect.
  • Chinese Venture Capitalists attract the best deals as  experts point out "Entrepreneurship is infectious and cities with lots of rolemodels are likely to attract the brightest and best young entrepreneurs. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy.”

What destinations in Europe attract more Chinese investors? 

Chinese investors prefer invest in European counties, the main reasons, among others, business environment, management system, and good climate, friendly people, etc. Chinese investors focus on top 5 investments destinations in Europe: 


  • Discover more Chinese investors  in Western Europe - Chinese investors target European countries attracting the greatest investment. The United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, and France, etc, accounted for 75 percent of Chinese total investment in the EU market
  • Find out Chinese investors in Southern Europe - Chinese investors focus on large-scale privatization process and restructuring. China’s acquisition of Pirelli made Italy the top destination of Chinese FDI in Europe.
  • Chinese investments locate in Greece - the China COSCO Holdings Company has acquired a 67% stake in the port of Piraeus, Europe’s largest passenger port in Greece.  With Piraeus now considered China’s “gateway into Europe”.
  • Identify Chinese investments in Portugal - Chinese investors invested in several sectors, such as electricity, transportation, oil, financial services, insurance, health and real estate, the country has become the key recipient of Chinese investments.
  • Understand Chinese investors in Central, Eastern & South-eastern Europe - Chinese investors also give attention to in non-EU countries. In this region, with the situation of local economy, negotiations and acquisition prices for Chinese investors are simpler.

Chinese investors in 23 investment sectors

Related questions: Chinese investors contacts details by sector

More information you can read through the links:

  • Why Chinese investors focused on 5 investments destinations in Europe ? 
  • How many investors are there in China?
  • Chinese investments in Africa
  • Chinese company based in Europe by country
  • What China owns in Europe map
  • Chinese investment in Europe by country
  • Chinese company based in Europe by country
  • What China owns in Europe map
  • Statistics China investment in Europe
  • Statistics Chinese owned companies in Europe
  • Chinese companies operating in Europe by country
