Imported oranges heading Chinese market again - fruit import to China

Imported oranges heading Chinese market again - fruit import to China


Imported oranges heading Chinese market again - fruit import to China

Fruit imports to China is actively back on the way, according to freshplaza reporting recently China domestic sales are gradually recovering after the corona virus under control. 

The Chinese fruit import trade is warming up again as well. The overall import volume of fruit is gradually growing. However, outside of China many countries are still affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has a serious impact on import trade.

 At present, the imported orange in particular received a warm welcome among Chinese consumers in China, according to China fruit market insider and fruit trader analysis.  The market conditions of domestic oranges therefore have only a limited impact on the sales conditions of our import oranges.

Furthermore, there are different consumer groups and they have varied requirements for their fruit, which is another reason why domestic oranges do not compete with import oranges."

Chinese consumers demand growing for imported agricultural products 

Chinese importers are taking a risk doing business in this industry. The concrete impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the market is not yet clear. However, when the pandemic is brought under control, market demand will undoubtedly recover. Chinese consumers have a growing demand for imported agricultural products. The import of high-quality products is therefore extremely important. 

The Chinese fruit importers strictly manage the selection process of import fruit to guarantee the highest product quality for Chinese customers. In general, the taste and nutritional value of imported oranges are quite divergences due to the length of exposure to the weather condition. Most Chinese fruit importers prefer to import quality fruits from the better weather condition zones and counties, the goal are to bring added value to the demanding Chinese consumers.

Some of Chinese fruits importers or fruit importing firms are not only engaged on foreign fruit import, but also busy with fruit sale businesses and fruit distribution activities, mainly through wholesale markets and in supermarkets, 

Meanwhile, some Chinese importing firm build up well connected distribution channels across the country, the capacity to import quality and unique foreign fruit are quite impressive, and the volume of imported fruit produce are arising year by year. 

China’s unprecedented economic growth, market influence and technological advances have altered the country into a global purchasing powerhouse. China market contains almost 1.42 billion populations, the capacity for importing fruit and fresh produce are enormous. 

In addition, China imports all sorts consumer goods, especially food and drink segment China imports growing larger ever then before, Given the size of the Chinese market and its growing middle class, China’s imports influence is now impacting the global consumer goods industry. 

With China market condition at this moment, Chinese importers for foreign fruit produces hope to find new business partners in both sides: China and global, to further enlarge the China domestic market, to expand imports of value added quality fruit variety. the List of Chinese Importers for Fruits Fresh Produce  helped usher more interest and demand of Chinese importers’ role in the foreign fruit imports businesses to China.

US oranges sell well in the Chinese market

Domestic sales are gradually recovering as China brings the spread of the corona virus under control. The fruit import trade is warming up again as well. The overall import volume of fruit is gradually growing. However, outside of China many countries are still affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has a serious impact on import trade.

Mr. Zhang of Shanghai Sango Fruit recently shared his analysis of current market conditions for imported oranges from the USA:

"We are a specialized trade company with expertise in the import of high-quality fruit. We officially opened the US orange season this year when our first shipping container with imported Navelate oranges arrived in the middle of March. 

The production season began relatively late in comparison with last year. This is mainly because domestic oranges left the market later than usual. All in all, the overall market conditions of US oranges are not that bad. The Navelate orange in particular received a warm welcome. 

Chinese consumers greatly enjoy this new US orange varietyThe market conditions of domestic oranges therefore have only a limited impact on the sales conditions of our import oranges. Furthermore, there are different consumer groups and they have varied requirements for their fruit, which is another reason why domestic oranges do not compete with import oranges."

Chinese fruit import is warming up again

When asked about the impact of two months of coronavirus conditions on the Chinese market, Mr. Zhang explained:

"Looking at the overall conditions of oranges imported from the US, we can see that the volume declined. The development of the Chinese economy does not look good. The prices of many products dropped significantly. Furthermore, the global spread of the corona virus severely impacts the capacity of Europe and the USA to export fruit, which leads to a lot of insecurity in the industry. 

Chinese importers are taking a risk doing business in this industry. The concrete impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the market is not yet clear. However, when the pandemic is brought under control, market demand will undoubtedly recover. Furthermore, now that Europe and the US are unable to export regular volumes of fruit, the prices will rise."

"The kind of oranges we import from the USA are considered high-end market oranges. The product quality is excellent and the price is quite high. Chinese consumers have a growing demand for imported agricultural products. The import of high-quality products is therefore extremely important. We strictly manage the selection process of import fruit to guarantee the highest product quality for our clients. 

This year, the product quality of early season varieties was not stable. The appearance of the fruit was not great, but fortunately the product quality has now stabilized. The flavor of US oranges is better than the flavor of oranges from other production areas. The sugar content and the nutritional value are both very high. This is one of the reasons why US oranges are so popular in the Chinese market."

Shanghai Sango Fruit has 10 branch companies active in Shanghai, Jiaxing, Nanjing, Qingdao, Linyi, Zhengzhou, Jinhua, Chengdu, Chongqing, and Guiyang. The companies mainly sell through wholesale markets and in more than 50 supermarkets across the country. 

In addition to import products, the company also provides the Chinese market with domestic products, though domestic activities are mainly focused on the management of premium products in Nanjing and Jiaxing. "We hope to find new business partners in China and abroad to further advanced the Chinese fruit industry and expand the variety of high-quality fruit."