NL Pavilion in Beijing 26th  Hortiflorexpo China 2024

2024 NL Pavilion in Beijing 26th Hortiflorexpo China


NL Pavilion in Beijing 26th  Hortiflorexpo China 202426th Hortiflorexpo China took place on May 23rd, 2024 in Beijing, NL Pavilion floral sector in China is active as used to besides during COVIN period. Dutch horticultural projects have paved the ways in China for decades, some of floral projects have been developed quite well, and more successful and promising Dutch Chinese floral industry team-works are growing in China. This time NL Pavilion demonstrated the Dutch flower power. Look at this article from hortidaily 

2024 NL Pavilion in Beijing 26th Hortiflorexpo ChinaOn May 23rd, the 26th Hortiflorexpo China (IPM Beijing) was grandly opened at the China International Exhibition Centre (CIEC) in Beijing. China Flower Association official, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development official, and Agricultural Counsellor of the Netherlands Embassy in Beijing, among others joined the opening ceremony. The event attracts more visitors than expected...

2024 NL Pavilion in Beijing 26th Hortiflorexpo China

There are 3 show halls in the 2024 NL Pavilion in Beijing 26th Hortiflorexpo. W1 is the international hall, the Dutch group, the German group, and some Italian companies are there. W2 has more equipment suppliers for Gardens, and W3 has various local companies, including greenhouse designers, fertilizer, irrigation, etc.

2024 NL Pavilion in Beijing 26th Hortiflorexpo China

The Dutch Group is the most attractive part of the show. This year, NL Pavilion, 43 companies from the Netherlands joined. From seeds to greenhouse construction and equipment, the whole supply chain is there. Dutch company Lumiforte and Chinese company Ruixue Global also held a joint ceremony for their new company "Lumiray".

2024 NL Pavilion in Beijing 26th Hortiflorexpo China

...there are different seminars held at the same time. The Dutch cluster focuses on greenhouse development to share some contemporary trends and modern technology... See more from hortidaily here  

In conclusion, Dutch floral industry produces 1.7 billion cut flowers per year, stand for almost 60% of global flowers trade, for more than 200 years, the Netherlands is the king for cut flowers. Today, China is huge a market for the Dutch unique flowers sorts, although Dutch flowers denote as luxury products. 

However, today China luxury redefined, importantly China's personal luxury market unveiled, more quality luxury products are in demand in China, and the Dutch goods, including flowers are no exception, more Netherlands goods exported to China in past 7 consecutive years

China luxury products market is in higher speed growing, and Dutch flowers in China flora kingdom is a luxury queen.