China is Netherlands third supplier electric vehicles in 2023

China is Netherlands third supplier electric vehicles in 2023


China is Netherlands third supplier electric vehicles in 2023The most electric cars came from Germany, Belgium, and China in 2023, China is Netherlands 3rd supplier of electric vehicles in 2023. However, most China EV cars arriving in the Netherlands are not destined for the Dutch market, but for other European countries. China ranked 3rd position as EV supplier in 2023. Look at this recent report from Netherlands CBS

China is Netherlands third supplier electric vehicles in 2023

The third-largest number of plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) in 2023 came from China, after Germany and Belgium. China ranked 12th among suppliers of hybrid and all-electric cars in 2022. Most of those cars arriving in the Netherlands were not meant to be sold on the Dutch market but were transported onwards to other European countries. Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports this based on the latest figures. 

China is Netherlands third supplier electric vehicles in 2023

The Netherlands imported electric cars (including hybrid vehicles) with a total value of 1.1 billion euros from China in 2023, 13 times more than in 2022. Most electric vehicles came from Germany (4.3 billion euros), around 50 percent more than the previous year. 

China is Netherlands third supplier electric vehicles in 2023

Around two-thirds of electric vehicles imported from China are not destined for the Dutch market. This concerns the quasi-transit trade (foreign-owned transit), which means that goods arrive in the Netherlands but are transported onwards to another country as their destination. When the transit trade is excluded, the import value was 0.4 billion euros, and China was the fourth supplier to the Netherlands in 2023, after Germany, Belgium, and South Korea.

China is Netherlands third supplier electric vehicles in 2023

A total of 16 percent of hybrid and all-electric cars arriving in the Netherlands in 2023 came from China. However, many of those vehicles were destined for other countries. Most of the vehicles that China exports to the Netherlands are electric vehicles. The Chinese share of Dutch vehicle imports was 7 percent in 2023, and 3 percent excluding the quasi-transit trade...…..See more from Netherlands CBS here

China ranked 3rd position as supplier of electric vehicles in 2023

In conclusion, today globally is moving toward smart and clean transport for a better future, the Netherlands is on the way to a higher level. In fact, electric transport has developed rapidly in the Netherlands.

The Dutch drivers are currently the international frontrunner as regards electric vehicles, including buses and heavier means of transport, and the infrastructure for them, this creates many opportunities for businesses.

Interesting that from an international perspective, the Netherlands has a well-developed national network. This network will have to continue to grow if it is to accommodate the rise in the number of electric vehicles.